Summer will never be complete without visiting a resort and one of the activities commonly done by many is swimming. There are over 300,000 swimming pools in the United States of America which people can visit if they want a good deep but beaches are far from their places.
Unfortunately, there are several reported cases of increased bacteria, including fecal matters in both outdoor and indoor pools. These cases have caused an alert for stronger reinforcement of public health and safety regulations.
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is recommended to check the last time the pool has gone through inspection and confirm if there were previous violations transpired, and see how these were mitigated and solved.
Dr. Beth Bell, director of the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases said, “No one should get sick or hurt when visiting a public pool, hot tub or water playground.”
“That’s why public health and aquatics professionals work together to improve the operation and maintenance of these public places, so people will be healthy and safe when they swim,” she added.
There are several harmful manifestations that can be found on public swimming pools which were all from “human inputs.” These are commonly from sweats, urine and makeup cosmetics which will later on become disinfection byproducts.
Disinfection byproducts could impose serious health conditions to whoever gets in contact. Some of the risks that can be acquired are bladder cancer and asthma. To ensure that these are controlled, ample amount of chlorine and chemicals must be added to exterminate these harmful pathogens.
Other ways to lessen these disinfection byproducts are through changing of waters and frequent cleaning. People should also shower first before they dip in. Following these precautions will not put anyone at risk.
CDC is not implying that people should stop visiting public pools. What they would like the public to know is how everyone can contribute to keeping these amazing places by executing proper cleaning procedures.
CDC continues to inspect public swimming pools and the likes to ensure that proper operation and maintenance procedures are done to meet the standards set in the jurisdiction’s public health code so as to minimize probable illnesses and injuries commonly acquired from aquatic facilities.