Enservco Co. (NYSEAMERICAN:ENSV – Get Free Report) shares crossed above its fifty day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of $0.00 and traded as high as $0.09. Enservco shares last traded at $0.09, with a volume of 343,484 shares traded.
Enservco Price Performance
The company has a market cap of $2.50 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -0.29 and a beta of 1.18. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 3.10, a current ratio of 0.54 and a quick ratio of 0.52.
About Enservco
Enservco Corporation, through its subsidiaries, provides well enhancement and fluid management services to the onshore oil and natural gas industry. It offers hot oiling and acidizing, frac water heating, pressure testing, acidizing, and water hauling services, as well as well site construction services.
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